The Site

I was given the opportunity to develop a bilingual professional services site for a small Montreal Based firm; Jade Asset-Based Lending Services Incorporated. Admittedly, I was hesistant at the daunting task at first. I had almost too much creative freedom, a lot of information that needed to be conveyed and professional judgement and expectation to worry about. In the end, I believe I accomplished both company and personal goals for the site and learned a lot along the way.


Working on required understanding of langauges in more ways than one. From a web development perspective I had to learn a lot of new concepts and utilize a lot of different toolsets.
Also, because the company was based in Montreal, I had to re-up on my high school French to make sure there weren't any glaring grammatical or spelling errors that would reflect badly on the professionalism of the company.


Prior to developing the website, I researched other similar ABL companies to develop some functional goals. Firstly, it was a place that clients of JadeABL could find information about the company. We did this through providing as much information as effectively as possible. We tried to reinforce that the company had the experience, expertise and excellence to be trusted handling companies that dealt in the multi-millions. Secondly, in the same place, it allowed clients a platform to seamlessly reach out to Partners of JadeABL through the form and contact information. This accessiblity is what really enables and encourages growth of the company. The last thing any client wants is the feeling of going through so many hoops just to get in touch with someone who provides them service.


Lastly, I sought out to make the website modern and attractive. I believe aesthetic goes hand in hand with functionality. The responsive, intuitive and animated interface goes a long way to convey the professionalism and aptitude of the company. It was very empowering to be able to make a lot of these design choices myself realizing, the site has to appeal to younger modern clients as well as older less tech-saavy clients as well.

Key Takeaways

Creating a website for professional services firm is an entirely different experience than creating a personal one for photography or for video games. It required a vastly different skillset, like professional rapport, compromise and meeting of deadlines.
All in all, I can say while it was challenging, it's definitely something that I'd love to do again for another company.


298 Neville Drive
London, ON N6G 1C3